Mastering Product Animation: Blender 4.0 - A Comprehensive Guide

 Mastering Product Animation: Blender 4.0 Explosions

Welcome to a thrilling journey into the world of product animation with Blender 4.0. Learn to create explosive effects that will captivate your audience.

Getting Started: Reference Images Are Key

 Before diving into modeling, ensure you import and use reference images for accurate results. Channel your creativity through precise modeling.

Precision Tools and Techniques

 Discover the power of editing tools like x-ray view and vertex manipulation. These tools are your allies in creating detailed and realistic models.

Crafting the Energy Drink

 Shape and texture the energy drink using the extrude (e) and scale (s) functions. Add texture through the Shader editor for a lifelike appearance.

Mastering Metallics and Roughness

Play with metallic and roughness settings to enhance the realism of your energy drink. Dive into the Principled BSDF in the Shader Editor for advanced control.

Setting the Scene: Background and Environment

Create a captivating background by utilizing the Cycles render engine. Experiment with environment textures and lighting for a visually stunning scene.

Animating with Precision

Animate objects effortlessly using keyframes and camera manipulation. Fine-tune the animation by adjusting placement and timing for a polished result.

Ice Cubes and Realism

 Add a touch of realism with ice cubes using displacement modifiers and textures. Master material properties to make them shine in your scene.

The Explosive Finale

 Bring your animation to a climax with a dazzling explosion effect. Download and customize explosion simulations for a mesmerizing finale.


Unleash your creativity and elevate your animations with the powerful tools and techniques showcased in Blender 4.0. Dive into the world of product animation and watch your creations come to life.

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