[Blender] How to do loop selection and ring selection with smoother selection?

 In 3DCG production, we basically move the geometry of points (vertices), edges (sides), and polygons (faces), and model using rotation and scale.

If you only want to manipulate one piece of geometry, you can select the points, edges, or polygons you want to manipulate, but if you want to select edges, points, or polygons in a circle, it's best to use a loop or ring selection.

Loop selection and ring selection are basically installed in most 3DCG software and are one of the tools I use often. In this article, I will introduce how to use such loops and ring selection in Blender 3.4.

 loop selection

To loop or ring select you must select an object and switch to ' edit mode '. You can also use the " Tab " key shortcut to switch between modes.

Select one of the Vertices, Edges, or Faces mode, and left-click the range you want to select while holding down the " Alt(Option) " key. In the example below, we have selected a loop of cubic polygons in the "Faces" mode.

ring selection

A ring selection is similar to a loop, but it loops along the direction of an edge or face, while a ring selection selects things at the same position as the selected edge. It may be good to remember to do loop selection and reverse selection.

Ring selection can be performed by selecting " Select " or " Loop Selection " from the top menu, or by left-clicking with the shortcut key " Alt (Option) + Control (Command)" .Use the Shift key to make additional selections

Although loop selection can be performed if a loop cut is performed and an edge is added, loop selection cannot be performed on the upper side of the cube, so it is necessary to select manually here, so be careful.

You can adjust the scale, rotation, position, etc. with loop or ring selection, so if you want to model more smoothly, this tool is a good idea! Shortcut keys are not specified by default, so try setting them from preferences according to your preference.
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