Blender 4 Release Schedule is Here

 The Blender Foundation has announced its revised update schedule for this year, in which the usual 4 updates have been reduced to 3. This is due to the extra workload and the need for more development time for new features and improvements. 

  • Blender Foundation has announced a new release and update schedule, reducing the number of updates from 4 to 3 per year.
  • This change is to reduce the workload and pressure on developers and to provide more time for the Bcon1 phase.
  • This year is a transition year, with Blender 3.5 unchanged and Blender 3.6 following the old schedule.
  • Blender 3.7 will be skipped to allow for extra time for Blender 4.0, expected to be released in late November.
  • The new schedule goal is to have a new long-term support release every year, and a new major version every 2 years.
Blender 4 Release Schedule is Here
Blender 4 Release Schedule is Here

Blender 4 Release update schedule

The Blender Foundation has recently announced changes to its release and update schedule for 2021. Instead of the four updates the software had received in previous years, this year Blender 4 will have only three updates per year. 

This decision was made to reduce the workload on developers, improve users' experience, and reduce the time between releases for new features. In addition, the schedule will also better align with major annual events such as Seagraph, Blender Conference, and the holiday periods. 

Blender 3.6 and Blender 3.5

This transition period will see the current version, Blender 3.5, remain unchanged and be released at the end of March. Blender 3.6 will follow the old schedule and be released in July with support until July 2025. 

Blender 3.7 will be skipped to allow more time for Blender 4.0, which is expected to be released in late November. This new schedule aims to provide a new long-term support release every year and support for two years, with a new major version to be released every two years. 

The changes to the release and update schedule are beneficial for developers and users alike. Developers will have less overhead and less pressure when creating each release, while users will have more time between updates for new features and enhancements. It also ensures that the software will be better aligned with major annual events in the CG industry, providing better support for users. 


Ultimately, the changes to the Blender release and update schedule for 2021 will provide a better experience for developers and users alike. With fewer releases each year and more time between releases, users will see an improved and stabilized version of the software with fewer major changes. 

In addition, the schedule will align better with major events in the industry, allowing users to stay up to date on the latest news and developments with the software. 

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